The movie gods aligned for us, as we not only had help with the weather, but from a kind CHP Officer and a terrific theater director. While shooting at a vista point on Hwy 4, the officer pulled up to make sure everything was okay. I thought he was going to shut us down, but he was just interested in our production and was quickly on his way. He must have called a fellow officer to tell him about it, because a half hour later another one pulled up to watch for a minute before leaving.
The theater director at the Black Bart Playhouse in Murphys was great. We were shooting a quick exterior scene as the main character passes the marquee of the theater, and the director came out and offered to change the marquee to suit our needs. That was awesome of him!
Anyway, lots of good fortune for us in Arnold, great performances by Brian Degan Scott, Ken Newman, and Lance Smith. Now we need to wrap up the Bay Area shoots and finish editing.
Here are a few photos from the shoot. I'll also be posting a few new scenes from the movie in the upcoming weeks.
Thanks to everyone involved!
Anyway, lots of good fortune for us in Arnold, great performances by Brian Degan Scott, Ken Newman, and Lance Smith. Now we need to wrap up the Bay Area shoots and finish editing.
Here are a few photos from the shoot. I'll also be posting a few new scenes from the movie in the upcoming weeks.
Thanks to everyone involved!
Mickey Monroe, disguised as old man, leaves The Nugget, in Murphys, CA.

The marquee reads "Hamlet", which was a change made for our scene at The Black Bart in Murphys.

Lance Smith & Brian Degan Scott in a scene at White Pines Lake (no rain!).

Dave Cowan, sound tech, listens as we get a wide shot.

The marquee reads "Hamlet", which was a change made for our scene at The Black Bart in Murphys.

Lance Smith & Brian Degan Scott in a scene at White Pines Lake (no rain!).

Our 82-year-old "intern", Ray Sutliff, of Dorrington.

Dave Cowan sets up the jib for an interior shot.

Brian relaxes between shots & Ken Newman books another gig.

Tom Greer & I set up a driveway shot as Dave removes the license plate.