With the cast & crew back from Sundance, I was hit with the reality that getting the word out about Nominated would be a lot harder t
han expected. There are just so many independent films out there, and a ton of competition vying for a spot in the program at the latest film fest. The bottom line is a filmmaker has to be persistent and resilient and creative with the methods that she promotes her film (I say "she" because I saw a strong contingent of female lead films at Sundance).

We did take the film to the California Independent Film Festival in Moraga. It played to a small audience, but I have to say, it was fantastic seeing all of our hard work up on the big screen!
We're still trying hard to get into more festivals, and hopefully there will be some more big screen time for the movie.

In the meantime, while we try to chase DVD distribution, and video-on-demand options like itunes & Netflix & Hulu, we're starting to work on a few new projects. The first is a very funny web series (the title of which I can't say) that will star Ken Newman and Brian Degan Scott. Once again, we will try to use the talents of cast & crews from the Bay Area. My intention is to help keep the community of film/video thriving in Nor Cal. The other two projects that have been started are in the scripting phase. One is a dark comedy set in the world of competitive pumpkin growing (no kidding), which I'm co-writing with Brian Degan Scott. The other is a thriller involving cloning, which I've started with an old friend, but brand new writer, Vince Zuanich. Both stories show great promise.
And if that weren't enough, I decided to teach a few screenwriting classes for people who'd like to write a movie, but have no idea how to get started on a script. This is script writing 101, and it will give novices all the nuts & bolts of how a screenplay is
put together (all the stuff that took me years through trial & error - lots of error). They will be small classes, and I think it will be a lot of fun for people who happen to be passionate about movies, like I am. Those interested can see all the info at my Introduction to Screenwriting page.

Stay dry and warm everyone!