Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Twitter Partnership is Born

Dan Pavlik a/k/a @nominated on Twitter is a friend
of Ken Newman a/k/a @kennewman on Twitter. Ken
Newman and Elizabeth Alraune a/k/a @Jolope on Twitter,
"met" and Elizabeth invited him to be on her radio show,
World of Perspective Radio. Ken graciously accepted,
and at the same time, introduced her to Dan Pavlik,
the writer/director of Nominated (a film that Ken will
have a role in). In turn, Elizabeth invited Dan to
also be on her radio show. Got that?

Elizabeth - that would be me actually - became a quick
fan of both Ken and Dan. And, just like any fan, I
wanted to know what I could do to help the project.
I thought for sure that it was a BIG movie, and why in
the world would Dan want or need my help. However, I
came to find out that while the project deserves to be
a BIG movie, it is actually one of many that is small,
independent, and in need of some assistance, well, maybe
a lot of assistance.

So...just like any good virtual friend would do, I
stepped up to see what I could do to help. It just so
happens I have my own blog, and like to write, as well
as have a few other talents that might be helpful to
see two people that I admire (as well as others I may
come to admire - as good folk tend to gravitate to one
another) succeed at a worthy venture.

We all need help day to day, and even more so when
reaching for the things that are outside of the realm
of our daily experience. I am happy to help in any way
I can and, just like a friendship of any type, the
best reward is to get to do something you love while
benefiting something worthy of expression. It's also
why I have my radio show.  Lots of people have worthy
expressions, and need a way to get them out, and we
all have our strengths. In my opinion, we all need
to do as much as we can to help another.

While Dan does what he can to get the project moving
forward, you will likely find me here, helping him put
a voice on his activities...kinda like a multi-media
documentary, if you will.

I invite you to check me out, say hey, and/or if the
spirit moves you, get involved in this project. It
has good vibes all round.

Have a great day!

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